华为云云数据库GaussDBPLAN TRACE使用介绍_云淘科技


使用plan trace特性可以查看查询计划的优化过程。在plan trace中我们可以看到计划中路径的计算过程、路径的选择与淘汰过程等关键信息,以达到帮助我们分析慢SQL根因的目的。使用该特性有两种方式,下面分别介绍一下。

方式一:使用guc参数enable_plan_trace启用plan trace特性,操作步骤如下:

打开plan trace guc开关:

set enable_plan_trace = on;


select * from tb_a a, tb_b b where a.c1 = b.c1 and a.c1=1;

通过视图gs_my_plan_trace查看自己新生成的plan trace。

select * from gs_my_plan_trace order by modifydate limit 1; 

由于plan trace的记录一般比较大,如果使用gsql连接数据库,建议使用\x命令将gsql的查询结果展示方式改为Expanded方式。

由于plan trace通常比较大,这里只给出本示例执行结果的关键trace的部分片段,如下所示:


query_id      | 8a10c7bc194c8bd2588eec379450832c
query         | select * from tb_a a, tb_b b where a.id=b.id and a.c1=?;
unique_sql_id | 1921680825
plan          | Datanode Name: datanode1
              | Hash Join  (cost=61.66..245.21 rows=49 width=30)
              |   Hash Cond: (b.id = a.id)
              |   ->  Seq Scan on tb_b b  (cost=0.00..155.00 rows=10000 width=15)
              |   ->  Hash  (cost=61.05..61.05 rows=49 width=15)
              |         ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on tb_a a  (cost=4.63..61.05 rows=49 width=15)
              |               Recheck Cond: (c1 = '***')
              |               ->  Bitmap Index Scan on tb_a_idx_c1  (cost=0.00..4.62 rows=49 width=0)
              |                     Index Cond: (c1 = '***')


plan_trace    | [key_guc]
              | enable_pbe_optimization=1
              | plan_cache_mode=0
              | random_page_cost=4.000
              | enable_hashjoin=1
              | enable_mergejoin=1
              | enable_nestloop=1
              | enable_seqscan=1
              | effective_cache_size=16385
              | work_mem=65536
              | default_statistics_target=100
              | cost_param=0
              | =[key_guc]=


              | [btcostestimate]
              | cal: num_sa_scans,1.000000
              | cal: num_index_tuples=btree_selectivity * index_tuples,48.629630,0.004863,10000.000000
              | cal: num_index_tuples = rint(num_index_tuples / num_sa_scans),49.000000
              | [adt_genericcostestimate]
              | input: loop_count,1.000000 num_index_tuples,49.000000 index_total_pages,37.000000
              | cal: num_sa_scans,1.000000 idx_local_tupls,10000.000000
              | cal: index_selectivity,0.004863
              | cal: num_index_pages=ceil(num_index_tuples/idx_local_tupls * index_total_pages),1.000000
              | cal: num_scans=num_sa_scans * loop_count,1.000000
              | cal: index_total_cost=num_index_pages * spc_random_page_cost,4.000000
              | cal: index_total_cost += num_index_tuples * num_sa_scans * (cpu_index_tuple_cost + qual_op_cost),4.367500
              | cal: index_total_cost += num_sa_scans * 100.0 * cpu_operator_cost,4.617500
              | =[adt_genericcostestimate]=
              | =[btcostestimate]=

片段4:在trace中,我们可以看到基表路径的淘汰过程:1. 老路径被淘汰;2. 老路径被淘汰的原因;3. 新路径的相关信息。

              | An old path is removed with cost = 881.806443 .. 932.541443;  rows = 49.000000
              | The old path and the comparison results are:
              | {
              |          old pathid=00000005    Cost = NewBetter        |       PathKeys = Equal        |          BMS = Equal          |         Rows = Equal
              | }
              | A new path is accepted with cost = 284.629750 .. 341.718970;  rows = 49.000000
              | The detail information of the new path:
              | {
              |         HashJoin(1:tb_a  2:tb_b ) pathid=00000011 hasparam=0 rows=49 multiple=1.000000 tuples=0.00 rpages=0.00 ipages=0.00 selec=0.00000000 ml=0 iscost=1 lossy=0 uidx=0)  dop=1 cost=284.63..341.72 hint 0 trace_id=#3##4##11#           clauses: a.id = b.id(norm_

片段5:在trace中,我们可以看到join路径的淘汰过程:1. 老路径被淘汰;2. 老路径淘汰的原因;3. 新路径的相关信息。

              | An old path is removed with cost = 4.629750 .. 7591.045220;  rows = 49.000000
              | The old path and the comparison results are:
              | {
              |          old pathid=00000008    Cost = Equal            |       PathKeys = Equal        |          BMS = Equal          |         Rows = Equal
              |         Small fuzzy factor is used!
              | }
              | A new path is accepted with cost = 4.629750 .. 7566.167720;  rows = 49.000000
              | The detail information of the new path:
              | {
              |         NestLoop(1:tb_a  2:tb_b ) pathid=00000014 hasparam=0 rows=49 multiple=1.000000 tuples=0.00 rpages=0.00 ipages=0.00 selec=0.00000000 ml=0 iscost=1 lossy=0 uidx=0)  dop=1 cost=4.63..7566.17 hint 0 trace_id=#4##13##14#           clauses: a.id = b.id(norm_
              |         Small fuzzy factor is used!


方式二:使用系统函数gs_plan_trace_watch_sqlid启用plan trace特性,操作步骤如下:

通过系统表dbe_perf.statement获得感兴趣的sql 的 unique sql id,例如使用如下sql来获取unique sql id:

select * from dbe_perf.statement where query like '%tb_a%'; 


node_name            | datanode1
node_id              | 0
user_name            | qiumc
user_id              | 10
unique_sql_id        | 1921680825
query                | select * from tb_a a, tb_b b where a.id=b.id and a.c1=?;
n_calls              | 3
min_elapse_time      | 8880
max_elapse_time      | 12371
total_elapse_time    | 32036

具有sysadmin权限的用户调用gs_plan_trace_watch_sqlid函数侦听感兴趣的unique sql id。示例如下:

select gs_plan_trace_watch_sqlid(1921680825);

如果感兴趣的unique sql id没有开始生成plan trace,则该unique sql id会被保存在一个内存的列表中,且可以通过函数gs_plan_trace_show_sqlids()来查看当前待收集plan trace的unique sql id列表,例如示例sql如下:

select gs_plan_trace_show_sqlids();


-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------+------------
gs_plan_trace_show_sqlids | 1921680825,


select * from tb_a a, tb_b b where a.id=b.id and a.c1=1; 

同样可以针对该sql生成plan trace记录。

只有具有sysadmin/opradmin/monadmin权限的用户才可以调用gs_plan_trace_watch_sqlid、gs_plan_trace_show_sqlids这两个函数。如果普通用户执行了管理员侦听的unique sql id的sql,则可以使用视图gs_my_plan_trace来查看自己生成的plan trace。

plan trace通常比较大,需要用户及时清理,否则会占用大量的磁盘空间,用户可以使用gs_plan_trace_delete函数来删除自己生成的plan trace。


select gs_plan_trace_delete(TIMESTAMPTZ '2023-01-10 17:16:42.652543+08')

可以删除当前用户的小于等于2023-01-10 17:16:42.652543+08时间的所有plan trace,从而达到每个用户都可以清理自己plan trace数据的目的。

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