图1 查看Notebook实例事件并设置自动刷新
事件名称 |
事件描述 |
事件级别 |
Scheduled |
实例被调度成功 |
提示 |
PullingImage |
正在拉取镜像 |
提示 |
PulledImage |
镜像拉取完毕 |
提示 |
NotebookHealthy |
实例运行中,处于健康状态 |
重要 |
CreateNotebookFailed |
创建实例失败 |
紧急 |
PullImageFailed |
镜像拉取失败 |
紧急 |
事件名称 |
事件描述 |
事件级别 |
Scheduled |
实例被调度成功 |
提示 |
PullingImage |
正在拉取镜像 |
提示 |
PulledImage |
镜像拉取完毕 |
提示 |
NotebookHealthy |
实例运行中,处于健康状态 |
重要 |
RunHookScript |
运行自定义脚本 |
提示 |
StartNotebookFailed |
实例启动失败 |
紧急 |
PullImageFailed |
镜像拉取失败 |
紧急 |
CreateKernelFailed |
conda命令不可用导致创建jupyter kernel失败 (The jupyter launcher page does not contain the kernel due to conda environment issues, please ensure that {conda_env} is available and the command: {conda_cmdt} env list can be run properly) |
重要 |
权限问题导致创建jupyter kernel失败 (The jupyter launcher page does not contain the kernel due to permission issues, please ensure that the uid {ma_uid} have write permissions to {conda_path}) |
重要 |
ConfigurationError |
conda命令不可用导致配置modelarts sdk和ma-cli路径到conda env失败 (The modelarts sdk and cli is unavailable in the conda envs due to conda environment issues, please ensure that the {conda_env} is available and the command: {conda_cmd} env list can be run properly) |
重要 |
权限问题导致配置modelarts sdk和ma-cli路径到conda env失败 (The modelarts sdk and cli is unavailable in the conda env due to permission issues,please ensure that the uid {ma_uid} have write permissions to {conda_path}) |
重要 |
事件名称 |
事件描述 |
事件级别 |
StopNotebook |
实例停止 |
重要 |
StopNotebookResourceIdle |
实例因资源空闲即将自动停止或实例因资源空闲自动停止 |
重要 |
事件名称 |
事件描述 |
事件级别 |
UpdateName |
更新实例名称 |
提示 |
UpdateDescription |
更新实例描述 |
提示 |
UpdateFlavor |
更新实例规格 |
重要 |
UpdateImage |
更新实例镜像 |
重要 |
UpdateStorageSize |
实例存储正在扩容 (User %s is updating storage size from %sGB to %sGB) |
重要 |
实例扩容完成 (User %s updated storage size successfully) |
重要 |
UpdateKeyPair |
配置实例密钥对 (User %s updated the instance keypair to “{%s}”) |
重要 |
更新实例密钥对 (User %s updated the instance keypair from %s to %s) |
重要 |
UpdateWhitelist |
更新实例访问白名单 |
重要 |
UpdateHook |
更新自定义脚本 |
重要 |
UpdateStorageSizeFailed |
资源售罄引起的实例存储扩容失败 (The EVS disk is sold out) |
紧急 |
内部错误引起的实例扩容失败 (The EVS disk size updated failed. Operations and maintenance personnel are handling the problem) |
紧急 |
事件名称 |
事件描述 |
事件级别 |
SaveImage |
保存镜像成功 |
重要 |
SavedImageFailed |
D进程引起的保存镜像失败 (There are processes in ‘D’ status, please check process status using ‘ps -aux’ and kill all the ‘D’ status processes) |
紧急 |
镜像大小引起的保存镜像失败 (Container size %dG is greater than threshold %dG) |
紧急 |
层数限制引起的保存镜像失败 (Too many layers in your image) |
紧急 |
任务超时引起的保存镜像失败 (Operations personnel are handling the problem) |
紧急 |
SWR故障引起的保存镜像失败 (Failed to save the image because the SWR service is faulty) |
紧急 |
事件名称 |
事件描述 |
事件级别 |
NotebookUnhealthy |
实例处于不健康状态 |
紧急 |
OutOfMemory |
实例被OOM掉了 |
紧急 |
JupyterProcessKilled |
jupyter进程被killed掉了 |
紧急 |
CacheVolumeExceedQuota |
/cache目录文件大小超过最大限制 |
紧急 |
NotebookHealthy |
实例从不健康恢复到了健康状态 |
重要 |
EVSSoldOut |
EVS存储售罄 |
紧急 |
事件名称 |
事件描述 |
事件级别 |
DynamicMountStorage |
挂载OBS存储 |
重要 |
DynamicUnmountStorage |
卸载OBS存储 |
重要 |
事件名称 |
事件描述 |
事件级别 |
RefreshCredentialsFailed |
用户鉴权失败 |
紧急 |
父主题: 管理Notebook实例
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